Tuesday, September 28, 2010


While on the subway earlier today, one of tthe Agent Anything Ad's caught my attention. I looked into the company as soon as I got home. This company is basically a new means for College students to make a little extra cash by running any kind of errands for people who are too busy to run their own. I think it's a pretty cool idea, being that a lot of New Yorkers work so much , that there are things they never get to do , that need to be done. I went on their twitter and by the looks of it, they are not that popular yet but have spent a good amount of money on advertising and marketing. It seems as if it has potential, they just need more people to "post missions" so that the students can go and "run missions". So think of the things you have to get done right now, how much you will pay,  how much extra time you will gain for yourself and get right on to posting that errand up ! 

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